
B-movie, gimme some gore

Wow, I really have no idea where September went. It's gonna be release day in no time. orz

I should say thank you, first off, to everyone who took the time to look at my flyer at SPX! As it turns out I couldn't be there in person, but thanks to my lovely friend Jodi my flyers were handed out. I'm really happy they seemed to be well-received.

As promised, I have a preview page up for you all at last! It's kind of a bloody one. You guys like gore, right? :3 Click for big as always.

I like to letter and draw speech balloons by hand. It seems like this is kind of out of vogue in the age of webcomics... I don't really know, haha. Even so, I think it makes it feel a little more personal to draw them manually rather than use a font. This comic will probably go right from the inked page to the printer, with no digital editing. Pretty oldschool.

Anyway, thank you all for visiting and for your patience. m(_ _)m See you soon with another update!